Reply to post: Re: Maybe not.

The web was done right the first time. An ancient 3D banana shows Microsoft does a lot right, too

jake Silver badge

Re: Maybe not.

"They can still work, but when they dont meet the requirements anymore, that is the definition of obsolesence."

it's not obsolete until someone invents a better tool that always works better than the original. IMO, if even one person still finds the original more useful, for any reason, than the new tool, the old tool is not obsolete.

I have a stone axe that I use to split kindling. It has been working for me for over forty years, since I made it. My Betamax machine still gets used occasionally to recover old videos. I still use Hollerith cards and punched tape (Mylar mostly, but occasionally I'll be asked to recover data off paper). My Buggywhips were lovingly hand-crafted by an Amish bloke. I have clients who still use MFM and RLL drives (machine control equipment, mostly).

So are they obsolete? Or are they still useful tools?

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