Reply to post: Re: Great work going nowhere

Boffins propose Pretty Good Phone Privacy to end pretty invasive location data harvesting by telcos

Graham Cobb Silver badge

Re: Great work going nowhere

It's an interesting idea, which could be taken up by some vendors to include as an option in the standards.

I would like to see operators offer this as an option for their MVNOs. Then, even without legislation, this could be used by MVNOs who wish to promote their privacy as a competitive differentiator (for example, maybe someone like AAISP might choose to offer this). Legislation (to require all MVNOs to use this) could follow some time later.

Initially only MVNOs one would be likely to trust anyway would use it (but even then they can say "look - even if Dido Harding became our CEO she wouldn't be able to screw up your privacy"). But it could become a valuable competitive feature in time.

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