Reply to post: Re: Who creates the hash?

Apple responds to critics of CSAM scan plan with FAQs, says it'd block governments subverting its system

Peter Gathercole Silver badge

Re: Who creates the hash?

The hash has been called a 'perceptual hash' by Apple, implying that it is not an exact checksum analogue for a file.

Louis Rossmann on one of his recent videos ( was talking to one of his regular commentators who appeared to know the technology being used, and it appears that it somehow measures various features in a photograph such that cropping, altering colours, inserting steganography etc. would not hide the pictures.

I can imagine such a system, certainly running in the cloud with all the AI smarts that exist there, but I'm not sure that I accept that that will actually run on an i-device, at least not without consuming a lot of resource and power. I know Apple have been embedding their neural engine AI processor on their SoCs. Maybe it will only run on devices that have this available.

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