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Apple responds to critics of CSAM scan plan with FAQs, says it'd block governments subverting its system

mark l 2 Silver badge

Apples PR seem to contradict themselves, They claim its matching hashes yet can detect when the image has been edited or changed, and these two things are not compatible. As if just a few bytes of an image is changed it will have a completely different hash, and unless Apple have each image in the databases ran through even possible pixel changed, image resized etc and a new hash created to match each edit that will never work on matching hashes.

So it must be some sort of AI image recognition technique they are using which I then dismiss their claims that its a 1 in a trillion chance of false matches. I wonder how long will it be before someone whose over 18 gets their nude images falsely flagged up as illegal and passed over to the FBI? Even if on examination the police see its a false match, it still means some officer is going to be viewing someones private photos without their consent to verify them.

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