Reply to post: Re: Two possible approaches

Apple is about to start scanning iPhone users' devices for banned content, professor warns

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: Two possible approaches

Yeah, that's number 2 exactly and the provisos still hold. In order to do the scanning, they will need to send each phone a copy of the model built from a big database. That's going to be a large file. Running it takes time. Not to mention that, although they're not scanning everything yet, there's little doubt that someone will find out that models get updated and they will need to use their new model to recheck the old pictures. Furthermore, there are people who don't upload photos to iCloud. I am one of those, mostly because I don't take many photos, but also because I have only the free storage and I don't want it filled with random pictures taken for temporary reasons. The scanning as specified wouldn't scan mine at all, so they're almost certainly going to change it so it does.

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