Reply to post: Re: not scanning your device, exactly

Apple is about to start scanning iPhone users' devices for banned content, professor warns

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: not scanning your device, exactly

So it falsely accuses customers of being pedos PROBABLY, MAYBE, PERHAPS but its OK, the ones that flag more strongly goes to a subjective review of a person you don't know who will then make assumptions about the rest.

So while a man holding a little boys penis in a photo will be labelled a pedo, a doctor holding a pediatric patient male genitalia prior to circumcision is not, because 'Apple magic cool something or other'*.

* An actual real world example there, he's an excellent doctor by the way, not a pedo, or maybe he is a pedo I don't know just from the photo's of kids he takes as a doctor doing a before shot.

"Whether the whole idea of checking your photos is good or bad, they've clearly put a lot of thought into avoiding scanning entire libraries.At this stage, anyway."

So its OK, because they only look at SOME of your photos to make the decision as to whether you're a pedo, not ALL of your photos... at least at that stage. And they did think about looking at ALL your photos, so they clearly understand there's a problem here, so that makes it ok right?

Cool, I'm totally OK, with people I don't know calling me a pedo in secret meetings based on limited info.

TAKE MY MONEY! You had me at "VOUCHER"!

Seriously, the world needs to be protected from me, and even though I'm not a pedo, if Apple says I am, then they must be right, and the world needs to be protected by putting me in some sort of magsafe stylish Apple shackles. Because after all, isn't that why you buy a phone? So that people can secretly look at your photos and make accusations against you behind your back? And if Apple make an accusation, who am I to say Apple is wrong and I am right? Did I make a stylish phone? No, I did not! Am I the third largest manufacturer in the world in the smartphone segment? No, I am not! I think that's conclusive then, I must be wrong. Slap those magsafe cuffs on, and take me away!

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