Reply to post: Re: About time too

Please, no Moore: 'Law' that defined how chips have been made for decades has run itself into a cul-de-sac

Bitsminer Silver badge

Re: About time too

when simply waiting three to four years gave you the same performance...

Naw. In my experience, the developer's _insisted_ that they must have the latest, fastest, smoothest, graphically superior machines "for their productivity". And to their eyes, the software was fast enough (only because it was tested on a fast machine).

And the end users, stuck with cheap standard-issue office-level machines with half or quarter the RAM, two-year old CPUs and small and slow magnetic disks had to run the software built on super-fast machines.

And of course the software performance sucked.

And that led to demands for "improved" and newer standard-issue office-level machines.

Rinse. Repeat.

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