Reply to post: Cool idea, but...

8 years ago another billionaire ploughed millions into space to harvest solar power and beam it back down to Earth


Cool idea, but...

It's overly complicated.

Option A) Roll out lots of low cost panels in deserts around the world. Dirt cheap to install. Easy to reach for maintenance. Cost of the panels approx $200/kW

Option B) put some expensive panels in orbit. SpaceX are currently charging about $1 million to launch 200kg. More for higher orbits. That's 200 sq m of panels, max power (solar constant x efficiency) a generous 400W/sq m, admittedly 24/7. Panel costs? They're going to be several times the cost of ground-based ones.

So cost for 1MW on ground about $200,000

Cost for 1MW in orbit - $12,500,000 in launch costs plus panel costs (another $1mn?). Yes, costs will fall, but a hundred-fold?

Generating 24/7 compared to maybe 10/7 doesn't offset that massive launch costs and extra infrastructure costs.

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