Reply to post: Re: Recycled battery risks

The UK is running on empty when it comes to electric vehicle charging points

Adair Silver badge

Re: Recycled battery risks

Wow, maybe try saying that to the mirror.

The 'bollocks' comment is simply because you are making assumptions about how the future will be on the basis of what you understand about the present, and that has a long history of being a mug's game.

The fact that something is 'hard' or 'complicated' today doesn't mean it's those things tomorrow, as I'm sure you know full well if you look back on the history of technological progress.

If you think something with a lethal half-life measured in thousands of years is something to cheerfully bequeath to your descendants because we can't be arsed to deal with it properly now, we'll look around. We're busy inheriting the results of other people's greed and ignorance right now.

Saying that EV battery packs can't be recycled safely is no different to saying high level nuclear waste is somebody else's problem. They are both our problems and the fact that we made them means we can, if we choose, find effective ways to 'unmake' them.

Not necessarily easily, or inexpensively, but that's called taking responsibility for the consequences of our actions. If we really need this stuff we really need to find ways of dealing properly with the downsides, even if that means deciding to drop the idea and take a radically different approach.

Unfortunately greed and power have a nasty habit of getting in the way, until things really have got out of hand - and even then greedy and power hungry people continue to make selfish stupid decisions that ruin other people's lives.

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