Reply to post: Re: I do wonder how much it would cost

I've got a broken combine harvester – but the manufacturer won't give me the software key

SImon Hobson Bronze badge

Re: I do wonder how much it would cost

A half penny, a.k.a. ha'penny, usually pronounced 'hay penny'.

For those of us with a few years under our belt, a ha'penny would be a token small amount of money - and when I were a lad, it was the smallest coin in circulation. A penny (pre-decimalisation) being one 240th of a pound, or a 12th of a shilling (a.k.a."a bob", equivalent to 5p in new money).

And there used to be a common phrase back in the day that someone would "spoil the ship for a ha'penneth of tar" - meaning that cheapskating on basics (tar being a material used in waterproofing ships) and spoiling something much more valuable than what has been saved.

Here endeth todays etimology lesson from a grumpy old git.

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