Reply to post: Re: Write your MP

Remember the bloke who was told by Zen Internet to contact his MP about crap service? Yeah, it's still not fixed

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Write your MP

Our MP - very near Leatherhead, but I'll leave him anon to not get the Reg's libel lawyers anxious - is, like most Surrey tories, safe enough that "you could pin a blue rosette on a shit around here and it would get elected", as I heard not so long ago.

We had need of him due to a local church school being closed unnecessarily. Naturally he didn't need to help, so he didn't, despite requests from us and from the local councillor at the time, also a Tory.

A complicated sequence of events including COVID, shortages of space in the remaining schools and some deft manoeuvring later, the school briefly reopened temporarily despite furious lobbying by the local Diocese. So awful were they, we got it written up "in the back" in Private Eye - including the fact that Jeremy Hunt, who had a personal connection with one of those involved, did some behind the scenes lobbying of his own.

Four hours - FOUR HOURS - after the postman delivers the Eye, our local MP is on the phone trying to arrange a PR visit so he could say "something must be done" on camera before going back to his nap.

Conclusion: if you want to get them off their arses, give another MP credit.

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