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Survey of astronomers and geophysicists shines a light on 'bleak' systemic bullying


"A person's perception of their victimhood is scaled by the thinness of their skin."

Unless you're claiming that black, gay and disabled people have disproportionately thinner skins than everyone else, how is this relevant? The survey asked the same questions to everyone, and certain specific groups reported more bullying than others. If you start from the assumption that skin thinness is evenly distributed, you would expect perception of bullying to also be evenly distributed. If bullying is reported more by certain groups, that means either those groups are more likely to percieve bullying, or they actually do experience more bullying. While the former is theoretically possible, I think you'll struggle to make a good argument that gay people aren't really subject to discrimination, it just turns out that being gay is correlated with being a thin-skinned whiner.

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