Reply to post: Re: Speechless?

I no longer have a burning hatred for Jewish people, says Googler now suddenly no longer at Google

claimed Bronze badge

Re: Speechless?

Lots of things existed before North American Nations, what does that have to do with anything? My objection is the medium of communication and his apparent shock that he got fired. As an aside, to your point, I could not give a shit about the historical/sacred prejudices; either prejudice can be recognised and analysed by each and every generation (and hopefully regress to the mean), or it can't. I don't care if its your uncle, your brother or your nan... either your prejudice is acceptable or its not. ( e.g. due to a childhood trauma I think all black and yellow insects are wankers and they all get 10 seconds to get out of the open window or they get killed - I am unlikely to be convinced otherwise )

He articulated himself badly and doesn't get to be surprised that he was misunderstood. For example, his missive starts by asking you not to stop reading... then later asks you to stop reading to go and read the book 'sapiens'.

As evidenced by this exchange, a few words do not really capture one's thoughts adequately for proper and robust debate.

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