Reply to post: Re: Most common fault was Magnets

Try placing a pot plant directly above your CRT monitor – it really ties the desk together

Martin M

Re: Most common fault was Magnets

We’re talking CRT era here - the first official multi screen support was in Win98 I think, before that only via expensive/fragile hacks. As corbpm says, until LCD monitors came along an unfeasibly large desk was required anyway, so few people wanted to multiscreen.

I first had dual LCD monitors in 2003, but probably only because I was working on a trading floor and it was the default, hang the (significant, at the time) expense. When I started a new job in 2006, I had to spend some time convincing the head of department to give the development teams second screens, citing academic studies on productivity increases and defect count reductions. Probably the single best thing I did for them while I was there…

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