Reply to post: Re: Wagile

Report: 83% of UK software engineers suffer burnout, COVID-19 made it worse

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Wagile

"talented manager" is far too often an oxymoron, sadly.

All too often they are a manager because they have the ego to think that they can "manage" others, but without sufficient knowledge of the domain and tech to understand what is and isn't possible and/or the realistic timescales actually required to achieve the desired results.

If there were more good managers, and especially those with the ability and willingness to listen and hear, things would be a lot better in many places. An actual wise manager should recognise that colleagues are a source of useful and relevant knowledge that the manager may not have detailed understanding of, that helps the project to run more smoothly, rather than being mere underlings to be trodden on to reinforce their fragile ego.

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