Reply to post: Re: Sounds Like...

Hubble, Hubble, toil and trouble: NASA pores over moth-eaten manuals ahead of switch to backup hardware

Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

Re: Sounds Like...

>can't they just make a new Hubble and launch it?

Hubble was super-compromised by it's need to work with Shuttle, and be built from a KH-11 spy satelite. It's not what you would build today.

Arguably neither is JWST, if you assume launches are now relatively cheap and regular you might go for a production line of 2-3 year launch cycle with new instrument technology on a common bus.

For all it's whizzy space technology - the best thing Hubble did in terms of research/$ was the whole Space Telescope Science Institute, the IRAF software infrastructure, the data archive and the funding for post-docs.

It led to a much more efficient processing and publishing than typical astronomy of the time - although ground based has learned a lot from it.

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