Reply to post: Re: Silly Marketing Bollocks

Lenovo says it’s crammed a workstation into a litre of space – less than three cans of beer


Re: Silly Marketing Bollocks

Wrong on all accounts.

PC workstations only became a thing when x86 hardware and especially PC graphics cards overtook the much more expensive proprietary workstations from vendors such as SGI, Sun, HP or IBM, and that was in well in second half of the '90s after Windows NT 4 Workstation (ever wondered by it was named this way?) came out. As a result, many ISVs ported their UNIX applications to Windows and certified them on PC workstations, same as they did for the older UNIX machines before.

So no, PC workstations aren't "silly marketing bollocks" but were simply an evolution of the existing workstation mantra (which is a desktop computer dedicated to specific critical applications).

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