Reply to post: Re: Shy

GitHub Copilot auto-coder snags emerge, from seemingly spilled secrets to bad code, but some love it

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Shy

This feels like yet another iteration of the 'no code' development tools I've been seeing since the 80's. For clarity I'm a PM not a dev but I work closely with the technical teams on my projects. Let's be absolutely frank there is a huge amount of crappy code out there. poor performing, badly structured full of memory leaks and not designed with security in mind. This is the training set the AI is using so whilst it may help a decent dev with a knotty problem he can't quite get his head round by supply a code snippet he can us as the basis for a technical solution there are going to be more people using this tool who just accept what co-pilot gives them this will then be fed back into the learning to provide a death spiral of crapness. I await the cyber attach which ends up being attributed to a code pilot introduced security vulnerability. AI 'experts' need to learn that just using huge learning sets will not provide viable solutions, whilst its hugely expensive to validate learning sets (especially something like code) the only way to develop a system that won't provide broken code is to do this. Ironically that would mean recruiting devs who don't need the tool initially and setting a skill level before other devs are allowed to use the tool or at least stopping their contributions from being used in the learning algorithms.

A.C. as a PM commenting on developer practices normally ends up in a shitstorm

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