Reply to post: It is about time

Microsoft patches PrintNightmare – even on Windows 7 – but the terror isn't over

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

It is about time

that the 'C' level execs in Microsoft took note of just how much of a dogs breakfast Windows code really is and has been since the day BillyG went dumpster diving.

Then they'll laugh as they cash in their share options to buy that new boat/plane/island.

This is just another case of Windows not being fit for purpose and is why many here keep referring to the whole windows experience as a 'perpetual beta' (or in extreme cases, a perpetual alpha) code release.

Why so many businesses have chained themselves to this pile of bovine excrement is one of the things that will puzzle the historians of the 22nd century... If we as a species last that long that is...

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