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GitHub Copilot auto-coder snags emerge, from seemingly spilled secrets to bad code, but some love it

elsergiovolador Silver badge


The industry desperately does not want to pay the right money for the skill and talent.

This probably came from managers doing a coding bootcamp once or twice and thought writing a hello world microservice make them as good as anyone else at programming and so the AI not smarter than a slug could do that too.

Fast forward few years on. Microsoft will be trying to sell this to organisations promising they'll be able to grab anyone from the street to do "coding". When in reality they will be giving themselves a competitive advantage. While most companies trying to use that will be spending resources on training and then fighting fires created by this tool, Microsoft and other will be advancing their technology widening the gap.

In the 2-5 years, we will have "The Great Rewrite", where companies will be scrambling for specialists able to remove all copilot nonsense and rewrite the systems.

10-digit salaries will become the norm for developers.

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