Reply to post: Re: Security

The splitting image: Sufferer of hurty wrist pain? Logitech's K860 a potential answer

Plest Silver badge

Re: Security

Stocks in tin-foil just went up!

Anyone who installs keyboard or mouse drivers from the item manufacturer has to be a bit of plank, that's when you will most likely get logging if there's any done, standard drivers unlikely.

Let's face it, logging is only an issue for Windows, Linux is very unlikely to be logging keystrokes no matter what's plugged in.

Ultimately, do you really think yours or my boring, mundane little lives are really worth spying on? While I don't wish to share anything without consent, if they're that determined they're welcome to know I waste most of my time playing EvE Online and LEGO games with occassionally coding a little at home! I'm simply not self-centred to think I'm that interesting to anyone else!

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