Reply to post: Re: Lucas

One good deed leads to a storm in an Exchange Server

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Lucas

While we're in agreement that he should have known, I'm not sure we agree on how he would have acquired that knowledge. Is it:

(A) His employer, recognising that it had hired someone with little experience (and the accompanying benefit it received in not having to pay him much), assigned someone to teach him the trade, including things like reading and understanding corporate policies on information security and change control; as part of this on-the-job training, he learned not to make these kinds of changes to production systems without approval, and until he had that training was not given the access required to do so.


(B) At birth, because along with knowing how to use a nipple, humans are born with a complete understanding of production change control processes.

I suggest he should have known because (A). I've found no evidence to support (B). We aren't told in the story, but if the employer didn't do (A), the employer bears most if not all the blame.

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