Reply to post: Re: It is the year 2063

Another JEDI saga that doesn't need a sequel: Oracle petitions Supreme Court over Microsoft Pentagon contract

elsergiovolador Silver badge

Re: It is the year 2063

It's the year 2075

1. Infosys buys Microsoft

2. Infosys buys Oracle

3. You have to send a form to your local police station using Royal Infosys Mail (RIM) and hope that jobsworth will stamp the access pad if you want to login to your Windows Orifice.

4. Only way to pay your monthly subscription is to speak to AI for a day to train the datasets. They don't accept money, because all tax loopholes that involve money transfer have been plugged.

5. Due to environment policy you can only take photos that have not already been taken. However the Oracle global picture database has been rebuilding indexes and objects for the last 15 years after it crashed following an accident when someone uploaded a picture of a dress and the AI couldn't decide what colour it was, which caused overheating and a fire on the server island. So all phones have camera app disabled and people can only record sound like it was 1800.

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