Reply to post: Re: Monday, Tuesday, and ... Thursday?

Leaked Apple memo tells employees that they'll be coming into the office at least 3 days a week from September

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: Monday, Tuesday, and ... Thursday?

I've seen the no-meeting Wednesday idea from a few people, presumably thinking that if you're going to be productive, it's nice to center it in the week. That's probably the reason it's one of the allowed days at home. Apart from that, if you believe as they are at least pretending to that in-person interaction helps productivity, then you have to have some method of determining that you're in at the same time as the people you would be collaborating with. I, at least, would not be interested in going to an office if there was a good chance those with whom I work won't even be there, as in that case the benefits to productivity of being present are negated.

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