Reply to post: Re: Forgive my ignorance but...

Hubble telescope in another tight spot: Between astrophysicists sparring over a 'dark matter deficient' galaxy

ThatOne Silver badge

Re: Forgive my ignorance but...

> Every individual galaxy we look at seems to have about 5 times more mass than expected

Isn't that article precisely about a galaxy which doesn't (seem to) have the prescribed 5x dark matter content?

I get your point, but it still seems artificial and inelegant to me. Sorry.

We currently do have many seemingly good theories, which unfortunately don't really work together (relativity and quantum is a good example), so I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually discover that, while our current collection of ill-assorted theories managed to explain lots of things, they were utterly simplistic or even partially wrong. I'd just love to be still alive when they find a theory which explains the universe's workings flawlessly, from elemental particles to superclusters. (Yes, I know it's the physics' grail and we might have to wait a century or two for it, but one can dream, no?...)

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