Reply to post: Re: Seriously?

The M in M1 is for moans: How do you turn a new MacBook Pro into a desktop workhorse?

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: Seriously?

I'm guessing that you were downvoted because your solution boils down to "you don't need a hub if you already have a hub". If you assume that all displays you might encounter have hubs built in, then you're fine, but you'll find that lots of displays don't have that. Maybe people are using older ones which were intended to be connected with a connection which doesn't do USB passthrough. Maybe the work-issued ones are cheaper and don't include it. Maybe someone wants to connect more than one USB device while charging but doesn't have an external monitor, so no option for a hub to be built into it. That's what I'm thinking, anyway. I didn't downvote you though, so I can't vouch for others agreeing.

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