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America world’s sole cyber superpower, ten years ahead of China, says Brit think tank


- China can make sure that the talent will work for pittance

But, why would it? China doesn't have to follow western principles of meanness and penny pinching!

China has it's own currency, it has it's own central bank, huge industrial base, lots of hot men and wimmen with fewer principles, and, China is not infested with Chicago School of Economics brain-rotting neoliberalism demanding that all wages other than CEO's and stockholders dividens must go to Zero or we will all Die Screaming in the Flames of Gehenna - or something.

China can reward it's talent very well indeed, for very little real costs, maybe even throw an imported German car on top of the pile of "internal goods & services" available for a clever and motivated person that knows where the lines are. There is nothing that anyone can do about it. Except have the Murdoch press write angry articles about how China is juuust about to collapse aaany day now.

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