Reply to post: Re: Forgive my ignorance but...

Hubble telescope in another tight spot: Between astrophysicists sparring over a 'dark matter deficient' galaxy

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Forgive my ignorance but...

Dark matter models are already contradicted by observations,

Citation needed.

The theory of Dark Matter is actually pretty well agreed upon, as in there does not appear to be enough Mass in galaxies (based on current understandings) to maintain their current forms and shapes. That's pretty much universally agreed upon.

What isnt agreed upon is why? Or in what form that missing matter takes? Thats where you get into the hypothetical. Is it just that were bad at estimating the mass of galaxies? Is it WIMP's (weakly interacting massive particles)? Neutrinos? Fuzzy Dark matter? Axions?

There are a lot of hypotheses, and only some very vague evidence at the moment to support one or the other theories, but the fact remains most scientists agree something is missing from our understanding. Adding Mass to galaxies, explains with extreme precision their movement, shapes and make-up. As such, by observation we can say a galaxy should weigh this much, but our calculations only add up this much. Hence why dark matter is added. Maybe we are just bad at estimating the mass in a galaxy but there's a lot of very smart people doing very detailed calculations and they all seem to be finding mass missing.

Discussions like this are therefore highly intriguing because if these galaxies are really further away and light on dark matter, than that opens up possibilities for more study opportunities, more things to look at to say why are these galaxies different compared to others we have studied. Anomalies are great for advancing science and I look forward to hearing more on this topic in the future.

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