Reply to post: Monty Python's Life of Brian (album)

Huawei dev flamed for 'useless' Linux kernel code contributions


Monty Python's Life of Brian (album)

If a company is using commits as a KPI for an employees salary there is one thing that you can be damn sure of and that is that at least 98% of the commits will be related to correct wording of strings of text and nothing else.

Monty python comes to mind (who am I kidding, they are always there):

Link man In the meantime...

Studioman No, er...

Link man During? During?

Studioman Yes. Try during.

Link man During the meanwhile...

Studioman No, that's not right. That's not good English. Can you try "during the meantime"?

Link man During the meantime...

Studioman No. That's not right either.

Link man Meantime, meanwhile, mean during the...

Studioman While.

Link man During the while...

Studio man No, that won't work at all.

Link man Well, it sounded quite good to me.

Studio man No, I don't think it's very good English, I'm sorry.

Link man Wouldn't it?

Studio man No.

Link man Oh. During... What did I say?

Studio man During the meanwhilst.

Link man During the meanwhilst... No, I don't like that at all.

Studio man No.

Link man During... Well, what sh.. what should I try?

Studio man We'll just cut this.

Link man What?

Studio man We'll just cut this link.

Link man Well, you don't need it at all?

Studio man I don't think so.

Link man Well, that's all right then...

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