Reply to post: Re: Continental

Hungover Brits declare full English breakfast the solution to all their ills

I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

Re: Continental

Also it is clear that the respondents of the survey are alcoholic yobs...

Proper Brits then! European travel writers have been writing appalled pieces about the drinking habits of the English and Scots since Roman times. It's a tradition which each generation is duty bound to honour and uphold!

Plus bacon sandwiches are yummy, and no excuse is required! Although I've got to be honest, a full English brekkie is a thing of beauty, but something to be eaten no more than every couple of months, in order to fully appreciate its declisiousity. Also something to be savoured with friends over sereral hours, rather than rushed in order to shovel calories and salt into you.

Also, having cooked fry-ups for ten people in someone else's kitchen - it's not a thing to be approached lightly, or when not in tip-top condition. It needs to be organised and coordinated properly, with thought, in order to achieve close to perfect results. You shouldn't even be starting until 10 o'clock with a few cups of tea in you - also in order to have a good appetite for a meal intended to fill you up until dinner time.

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