Reply to post: Re: licence

What Microsoft's Windows 11 will probably look like

Binraider Silver badge

Re: licence

What, the useless helpdesk that will waste your time for about 90 minutes and then direct you to a sales line to buy a replacement license?

If you had a different experience, you are lucky, I've seen activation problems on hardware changes on everything from XP forwards. 10 is the first one where they have actively refused to fix it. Therefore, I will fix it myself by using a different ecosystem.

I'd chuck a sueball at them but honestly it's not worth the paperwork or cost, as there's probably something buried in the EULA to say caveat emptor.

I don't need windows for anything other than the work laptop. I don't manage windows installations personally as part of my business activities. The folks that do manage windows in my organisation have all said as much that it's more of a pain in the arse than ever to administer. And yes, I've seen embarrassing activation warnings on poster displays around the office.

It is a crock of shite, badly supported by an organisation hell bent on perpetuating bad experiences, because if they ever did get it right they'd never have to sell a copy again.

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