Reply to post: Re: Not all is well

Windows 11: Meet the new OS, same as the old OS (or close enough)

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Not all is well

Yes and no.

Part of the requirements for secure system certification require the OS and installed applications to be resilient to tampering by rogue users and/or software. Our data files were installed into the ProgramData (iirc) folder as per the Windows recommendations, and as such were considered part of the system that should be protected.

As long as you are aware of what is going on and are aware of how to mitigate against that, on the whole it's not a bad system.

(That said, I don't know for certain whether System Restore would kick in for *any* file regardless of its location, or whether it really does just care about known folders. I agree that covering the whole filesystem would be more than a bit dumb, but protecting application data installed into known locations isn't.)

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