Reply to post: Re: The Walled Garden

Tim Cook: Sideloading is a disaster and proposed App Store reforms would harm user privacy and security

Snake Silver badge

Re: The Walled Garden

It looks to me that Apple's modus operandi is complete and total control of everything within their sights - developers, payment processors, media distributors, artists, content creators, employees...even users. Everything within their sights must be controlled to their level of satisfaction.

Your personal preferences simply do not matter. You want an Apple product with an alternative workflow? Too bad, it is ours or nothing at all.

Fundamentally that is being a complete control freak. No level of control is too much, and any option of breaking from that pattern is a "risk".

Risk to WHOM?? is the fundamental question that, just maybe, the politicians will see through the smoke screen and find out the truth - it is a risk to Apple's profit margins. Nothing more. Apple wishes to be a control freak because they believe / see it grants them the greatest ability to place their hands in everyone's pocket. Anything and everything having to do with Apple must play by *their* rules, and those rules *hopefully* means paying Apple in some form or fashion.

Customers have been accepting this well-known "Apple Tax" for a long time. It was a derogatory euphemism for Apple hardware's higher pricing, but with the advent of iDevices and Apple cloud services, it really has become a "tax" on anything you wish to acquire through an Apple portal. That's technically fine, "capitalism" and all that, but not when you make it locked-down yet mandatory.

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