Reply to post: Cutting-edge Germany and the decommissioning of 3G

GPRS-era mobile data encryption algorithm GEA/1 was 'weak by design', still lingers in today's phones


Cutting-edge Germany and the decommissioning of 3G

In Germany, all 3G networks are being decommissioned at light-speed. At the same time, companies like O2 / Telefónica have failed with a widespread rollout of voice-over-LTE, and also, many phones don't support it.

The argument is, that in a few years time we'll have widespread 5G, which will fulfill what was promised (and so far underdelivered) for 4G/LTE years ago.

That leaves you with - again - 2G (!!) for voice in many places, which is decades old, totally insecure and sounds antique.

Beat that.

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