Reply to post: Re: Partial Failures

Excuse me, what just happened? Resilience is tough when your failure is due to a 'sequence of events that was almost impossible to foresee'

Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

Re: Partial Failures

I didn't mean to imply it was impossible; only that it was impractical.

I guess dodgy memory is read back and verify. You sometimes used to have to do that with peripherals. Although I suppose it gets more tasty if there are caches between the CPU and main memory.

For arithmetic, you could perform the calculation multiple times in different ways and compare the results. But I'm not doubling or trebling the size of the code and the wasting all that extra time just in case I've got bum CPU. (Particularly if I've already spent a lot of time optimising the calculation to minimise floating point rounding errors.) In real world, you can't write code against on the off chance the CPU is borked.

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