Reply to post: Re: ....continued to strengthen our vendor protocols

Apple settles with student after authorized repair workers leaked her naked pics to her Facebook page

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: ....continued to strengthen our vendor protocols

"Or they could put some more small letters in the contract. Letters like, "You will be liable for our damages if you violate these protocols.""

I'm sure that's already in the employee manual that didn't get read as HR wanted it signed at hiring with just enough time to leaf through to all of the places that needed initials and signatures.

Repair techs at a big contractor get paid F-all. There isn't any way they'll ever be able to pay for just the attorney fees. Apple, on the other hand, has lots of cash on hand. They're known for it and the contractor they hired to do their repairs is Apple's problem as customers are sending their items to be repaired to "Apple". How Apple subs that out is Apple's decision. For a while, if you sent a guitar amplifier to Fender for repairs, I was the one that may have been doing the work at a repair contractor. If you were an endorsed artist, I was definitely the one doing the work and will have been told to drop everything else and get on it.

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