Reply to post: Re: How long then before we lose the skill set to do it ourselves?

Google says its artificial intelligence is faster and better than humans at laying out chips for artificial intelligence

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: How long then before we lose the skill set to do it ourselves?

Ok not to do with chip design, but there are parallels with electronic circuit design.

I used to do a lot of work with boolean algebra to do things like driving seven-segment displays from breadboards of TTL. Haven't had the need to do that for many years now, so prob quite rusty at it. (Mind you, Norman Wildberger thinks we shouldn't be doing it that way anyway, and having seen his way of doing things, am inclined to agree).

>How long before we trust it and stop double checking it's correct?

In the old days of TTL it was important to get things right first time, otherwise it would be a soldering iron job. With everything now done in software, I reckon people don't bother to check at all because it's easy to fix in the next release.

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