Reply to post: Re: How to tell if you're stupid.

Apple settles with student after authorized repair workers leaked her naked pics to her Facebook page


Re: How to tell if you're stupid.

Fair enough. You're probably right, thinking about it. Though that in itself is pretty damn creepy - not only posting the pictures, but posting them to make it look like she'd done it herself.

I imagine the FB account was open on the phone, and they justified what they did to themselves by saying "That'll teach her to be more secure with her account details...!"

The more I think about it, the more I'm disgusted with these lowlife creatures. In what universe is that reasonable or funny? I imagine they've been sacked, but I'd like to think they were prosecuted for it. Presumably the reason Apple paid out so much money is to avoid the embarrassment of their oh-so-secure store repair technicians being prosecuted.

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