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Version 8 of open-source code editor Notepad++ brings Dark Mode and an ARM64 build, but bans Bing from web searches

Binraider Silver badge

Isn't it amusing how people that do heavy text editing for anything other than DTP / Word are returning to Black screen / Coloured text. Rather than White screen and the inevitable white glare induced headaches? Anyone would think they have to look at crappy reflective glare-filled laptop monitors all day, every day...

People used to think I was weird for using dos edit right up to WinXP in preference to other editors stuffed into corporate build. I mean, features like a row and column display - cutting edge!

Notepad++ must have made a mark on someone in our IT organisation as someone has gone to the bother of paying to get it packaged. Definitely not arguing, it is one of my favourite windows programs. This is yet another improvement.

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