Reply to post: Re: Relying on search engines to set history into stone is not good

Tiananmen Square Tank Man vanishes from Microsoft Bing, DuckDuckGo, other search engines – even in America

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Relying on search engines to set history into stone is not good

Ok, just thought of an easily verifiable example.

My erstwhile, yet still visble ExpertsExchange bio has some details of my experience which were indexed by google, but no longer. Of course, I am a completely inconsequential person within the history of IT. That's not the point. The point is that there might be a piece of information on that webpage which might be useful for someone wanting to know a bit about GEC4080, WordPerfect,Thick Ethernet, DUTE, Clipper, etc. Sometimes just the existence of a keyword or technology can be useful to someone, somewhere. Presumably the reason I've dropped off is that I've not maintained that bio, but google seems to have very selective amnesia. ISTR the first contribution I made to Experts Exchange was to do with WordPerfect Delay Codes. Though the answer to my solution was accepted, it no longer exists, yet other contemporary discussions of the topic (2003) are still indexed, even though they have been similarly neglected by their authors.

There are many other examples, but in many cases there is the nagging doubt that one may have imagined something, rather than it being wiped from google's recollection.

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