Reply to post: Re: Capsizing oil tankers via software

Remember those wacky cyberpunk costumes in Hackers? They're on display in London this week

gandalfcn Silver badge

Re: Capsizing oil tankers via software

So you agree you were totally wrong. Why not say so?

Yes, it mjay change, but I doubt it as mjost ships have no need for such connections. It would allow interfering busybodies to get involved, such as self opinionated, pushy IT people. Not to mention charterers and sub-charterers etc. Nether the owners no the crews want that, there are already too many people interfering. When ISMJ first became a thing many owners/managers started overriding Masters and Chief Engineers, you know, self important, pushy types, but that came to a swift halt when they were told they were liable for anything that happened and were quite possibly voiding insurance policies, statutory obligations etc. The USN was like you until a series of accidents forced the realisation that seafarers needed to be properly trained seafarers not computer jockeys. Autonomous ships are a completely different branch and are treated as such.

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