Reply to post: Re: "each cofounder had been hired individually – and therefore TUPE didn’t apply"

Check the TUPE: Facebook's hire of Bloomsbury AI founders wasn't 'traditional' acquisition - so sacked bod can't claim law was broken

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "each cofounder had been hired individually – and therefore TUPE didn’t apply"


Once again the UK Employment laws are shown to be eminently 'gameable' !!! :(

It is not about who you are or what you earn/ed but about being treated fairly.

Co-founder or not was he treated fairly ?

No doubt the Employment laws will continue to be suitably vague and subject to legal opinion of more judges that are out of touch with reality, as we continue free of the 'guiding hand' of the ECJ and ever more subject to Cons/BJ's random ideas. !!!

[Heads you lose [ECJ], tails I win [Cons/BJ] or vice versa !!! :) ]


To head off the obvious, there is *no* mention or reference to the dreaded B****T word !!!


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