Reply to post: Re: Problem is..the NY learners permit does have a photo on it. Its photo ID ..

Apple sued in nightmare case involving teen wrongly accused of shoplifting, driver's permit used by impostor, and unreliable facial-rec tech

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Problem is..the NY learners permit does have a photo on it. Its photo ID ..

Sorry, no one and I mean no one would use the DMV receipt, which is what is claimed, to ID a perp. Not just at Apple stores, not even a liquor store security guard would do that. Thats how stupid the claim is.

If no photo ID they call the cops as its probably a juvenile or else has outstanding warrants. In which case, problems solved. Less paperwork. Let the cops book them on the outstanding warrants. Or on a probation offense. Always easy to book them on one of those.

Thats how stupid this story sounds.

Some guy stole my ID, yeah, sure, buddy. And it just happened to be the DMV receipt not the actual photo ID. And professional security at the most high risk retail store imaginable broke all standard procedures for doing initial perp ID. Then deleted all evidence. For some small time shoplifting offense. Sound like a very plausible story. I dont think so.

Try talking to someone who works in a big city Apple Store and hear the stories of all the scams the "ethnic" shoplifters try. Trying to create scenes where they can sue the store. Or steal the merch. One friend who grew up in South Africa was very popular in whichever store she worked in because she knew exactly how to deal with the unrelenting BS from the petty criminals. They never tried shoplifting when it was her shift. Same goes for Nigerian security guards. Great guys. No one dares shoplift when they are on duty.

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