Reply to post: Re: Who hasn't?

Facial recog firm Clearview hit with complaints in France, Austria, Italy, Greece and the UK


Re: Who hasn't?

Thanks for the up vote.

I'm quite old too. I would say I'm a cautious optimist when it comes to human interaction. Yep people will do whatever is necessary to survive or better their position if they feel threatened. This usually involves getting one over each another. However, given enough resource, most, will behave courteously. Some will do so despite personal hardship.

As for the moral laws handed down via religion, I feel we would be better off without most of them. The core philosophy of many religions seem on the face of it to be sound, but the way they are interpreted not so much. The same can be said for governmental edicts. Both seem to be used as means of defining us from them, which in my book, is a very slippery slope and cause of most strife in the world.

It would be better if we just all acknowledged that we are all human and therefor all us.

Hum, I feel like I need to get irrationally angry about something now. Hey you, get off my lawn....

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