Reply to post: OK

The server is down, money is not being made, and you want me to fix what?

Terry 6 Silver badge


As a specialist teacher, employed at a relatively good salary, highly trained etc etc by the local authority to sort out kids who hadn't attained basic literacy, back in the days before "Local Management of schools" meant that services like mine were no longer considered affordable ( but that's a rant for another day) I walked into a school with classrooms built onto a central open plan area, to see a kid with urgent literacy needs, who'd come to the top of our lengthy waiting list. To be met by a terrible pong and the headteacher.

"The drain's blocked", he said. Can you fix it?"

"Er you have a school keeper for that" I pointed out sagely.

"Oh", responded the HT. "He's too busy".

I didn't. He wasn't my boss. Luckily.

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