Reply to post: Re: Justice

Apple sued in nightmare case involving teen wrongly accused of shoplifting, driver's permit used by impostor, and unreliable facial-rec tech

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Justice

The can't prosecute the imposter for the crime while Ousmane Bah is being prosecuted instead. Yes, they had full "knowledge" that Ousmane Bah did not commit the crime but fixing their legal mistakes would require admitting they made multiple careless reckless mistakes.

> "Nonetheless, prosecution against Bah continued in multiple states through June 2019."

They "drop" the cases against Ousmane Bah, but the arrest records remain and follow him forever including when potential employers investigate. Prosecuting the imposter for all those crimes would serve as proof that the arrest warrants were indeed mistaken - maybe. But Apple, SIS, and the police do not bother.

Thus Ousmane Bah must sue, and win, to clear his name. Hope he gets adequately compensated for their carelessness too.

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