Reply to post: Re: Epic

The Microsoft Authenticator extension in the Chrome store wasn't actually made by Microsoft. Oops, Google

Headley_Grange Silver badge

Re: Epic

My objection is that other people shouldn't be able to install whatever they want on my devices.

If app stores become an unregulated wild west then how do I know whether the metronome I've just bought for my phone isn't going to download malware, steal log in creds and spam all my contacts? I'm not daft enough to believe that Apple's store is perfect in its screening, but it's better than what will happen if there's no trusted gatekeeper.

Sure, I could stick to the Apple store because I, rightly or wrongly, trust it, but devs will move away from it - the good ones because other stores are cheaper and the bad ones because they can get away with stuff and I'll end up having to use the cowboy stores cos the Apple store will be empty.

It might be OK for IT-literate people who know what they're doing and can understand and manage the risks, but for normal users out there it could be a nightmare, especially for those who don't understand the risks and whose only point of contact for everything they do online is their smartphone.

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