Reply to post: Re: the rich being richer than them.

Activist millionaires protest outside Jeff Bezos' homes to support tax rises for the rich

codejunky Silver badge

Re: the rich being richer than them.


"Typical selfish attitude from you there. It doesn't work if only a few people do it."

Eh? Its selfish to not want to steal from other people? The protesting group has 200 members all millionaires and I will assume Tim Worstall knows the voluntary amount (in his comment below): "Raises about $4 million a year" so how much are they contributing voluntarily? $20,000 each?

"I suppose the homeless and unemployed should put themselves up by their bootstraps? The American dream is available to all, right?"

Kinda hard where the gov put them out of work but before covid the US had full employment and reducing relative poverty.

"I presume you also support Bezos billions whilst our tax dollars subsidies his staffs wages?"

I didnt say that. But if we are pushing for equality when do we also soak the middle class and poor in the rich countries to reduce global inequality?

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