Reply to post: Re: Concerning...

Mammoth grab of GP patient data in the UK set to benefit private-sector market access as rules remain unchanged

ThatOne Silver badge

Re: Concerning...

> a very strong case for linking familial records, for genetic disease

Yes, that's the obvious excuse, but would any serious researcher publish a paper based on commercial datamining (meaning the data was structured (if not "enhanced") for added commercial value, not added precision)?

That been said, I guess that obvious excuse will indeed be used any time somebody needs to give some semi-serious explanation, but the truth is much simpler:

Nowadays a population is a resource, and who are the politicians to resist the pressure (and the promises!) of the commercial entities drooling over that easy profit potential?

As for Joe/Jane Public, (s)he has to realize that, no matter if (s)he pays or not, (s)he is a mere product to be "monetized" no matter the consequences. Human dignity my eye.

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