Reply to post: "[Umbrella companies are] allowing themselves to operate outside the law"

Campaigns propose new rules to protect contractors from rogue umbrella companies

Pascal Monett Silver badge

"[Umbrella companies are] allowing themselves to operate outside the law"

This is textbook capitalism. Never mind that the law is imperfect, this is the demonstration that capitalism does not, in fact, regulate itself. It operates at the very limit of what is legal, forget about moral.

Capitalism requires regulation. In this case, a company that purposefully waits until the employee can no longer easily go before a judge should be automatically fined the amount of money withheld, forced to pay said employee and pay the bill for treating the whole affair.

It is incredible that there are people who actually dream up these kinds of schemes, but the only reason they succeed is because the law is not clear enough about penalites.

Clear that up and the hustlers will have to comply. You need to nail them to the wall first, though.

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